今年3月16日に明治大学リバティーホールで行われた『「協同労働の協同組合」法制化を求める市民のつどい』についての記事がICA(国際協同組合同盟)のWeb雑誌『ICA Digest』(No.48)に掲載されました。
( "ICA Digest No. 48, April 2006":pdfファイル )
Japanese call for worker co-operative legislation
An unprecedented meeting calling for worker co-operative legislation in Japan was held on March 16 at Meiji University in Tokyo.Japan is one of the few countries to have no worker cooperative law. Without legislation, it is difficult to promote worker co-operative movements. The Citizen Forum on Worker Co-operative Legislation (CFWCL) was established in November 2000.
Since then, Japan Workers’ Co-operative Union has worked with other organizations to promote worker coop law and to undertake the ILO 193 Recommendation.
The meeting attracted over 300 people from co-ops, trade unions, women’s groups, organisations for disabled people, students and the general public. ICA President, Ivano Barberini, addressed the gathering. Other speakers included Kiyoshi Sasamori, President of the National Council of Worker’s Welfare, Prof. Jun Ikegami, Professor emeritus at Kyoto University, and Mr. Shnichi Hasegawa,
director of the ILO in Tokyo.Mr. Barberini emphasised the need for cooperatives to have appropriate legislation to develop and to be able to compete with the same arsenal as their competitors.
The meeting confirmed the need to continue to lobby government for appropriate legislation.